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A woman wearing the Serola SI Belt for sacroiliac dysfuntion

The Serola Sacroiliac Belt is designed to provide the most comfortable, customized and effective support for any type of pelvic instability. Made with a strong elastic material and breathable cotton, it fits snugly to your body to compress and support the sacro-iliac joints, providing relief from pain caused by stress or weakness in this area. Thanks to adjustable Velcro straps it molds perfectly around your waist allowing you to customize the fit depending on your size and desired level of support, making it great for all body types. This sacroiliac belt can be worn for extended periods of time without discomfort. 



  • Contoured foam padding for even distributon of pressure & maximum comfort
  • Can be worn comfortably under clothing while still providing excellent support
  • Breathable, moisture-wicking, hypoallergenic and latex free
  • Designed for postural support, pre and post-pregnancy, sprained SI ligament, hyper-mobility, and spasm or pain 

Serola Sacroiliac Belt

  • Book a free consult online to talk to one of our Human Movement Specialists. We are providing virtual video, call and chats to help you select the injury solutions, the fit and sizing.


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